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“Fair (re)localization: a challenge for competitiveness and sustainability”

The working group dedicated to the social theme Fair (re)localization: a challenge for competitiveness and sustainabilitystands out due to its timeliness and importance.

Co-founded by Sycomore AM, this working group aims to develop a shareholder engagement guide around findings, best practices, and perspectives to raise awareness and support companies and investors for a successful (fair and efficient) relocation through a more sustainable approach, considering the impact of their investments.

The members of the working group

Giulia Culot
Portfolio Manager at Sycomore AM
Denis Panel
CEO at Sycomore AM
Pierre-Alexis Dumont
Chief Investment Officer at Sycomore AM
Luca Fasan
Portfolio Manager at Sycomore AM
Florence Jolin
Head of Marketing and Communication at Sycomore AM
Anne-Claire Imperiale
Director of Sustainability at Sycomore AM
Tarek Issaoui
Chief Economist at Sycomore AM
Claire Mouchotte
ISR Analyst at Sycomore AM
Elodie Nabot
Content Specialist
Catherine Rolland
ISR Analyst at Sycomore AM