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“Establishing a Comprehensive and Granular Analysis That Integrates Localization Issues”

The working group dedicated to the biodiversity theme “Establishing a Comprehensive and Granular Analysis That Integrates Localization Issues”, stands out for its depth in addressing biodiversity-related impacts and dependencies in relation to the geographical context and ecological surroundings of a business’s operations. 

Co-founded by Candriam, this working group aims to develop a practical guide for investors, regulators, and other stakeholders, focusing on existing analysis methodologies and potential enhancements. These improvements are particularly directed toward conducting a tiered analysis of both positive and negative impacts on biodiversity, with an emphasis on the importance of localizing corporate activities to provide an accurate assessment of biodiversity impacts and dependencies. This guide will enable investors and asset managers to shape their biodiversity strategies by considering the localization of corporate activities as a fundamental factor. Additionally, the group seeks to explore recommendations for a more ambitious regulatory framework to strengthen biodiversity protection measures. 

The members of the working group

Alix Chosson
ESG Analyst specializing in Climate & Environment at Candriam
Caroline Declerck
Head of Content at Candriam
Elouan Heurard
ESG Analyst specializing in Biodiversity at Candriam
Sébastien Nantas
Head of Brand and Content at Candriam

Group publications

27 November 2024

“The localization of business activities is important for providing ecological context around their impacts.”

In the fall of 2024, the media outlets L’Agefi and ID, l’Info Durable launched the “2030, Investing for Tomorrow” Think Tank with the aim of fostering discussions and uniting financial actors around the major issues of sustainable finance. This initiative brings together six thematic working groups, which will meet every two months to exchange ideas, formulate solutions, and propose concrete actions. Today, we focus on the first workshop of the “Biodiversity” group, co-founded by Candriam, featuring an interview with Elouan Heurard, ESG climate and biodiversity analyst at Candriam.