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“My Climate Trajectory Boosted by My Savings”

The working group dedicated to the climate theme My Climate Path Boosted by My Savings stands out due to its crucial importance in developing practical solutions to help savers align their financial choices with their climate commitments.

Co-founded by LBPAM, this working group aims to develop a recommendation guide to assist financial advisors in helping their clients improve their personal climate trajectory through optimized use of their savings.

The members of the working group

Héléna Charrier
"Head of SRI Solutions at LBP AM"
Anne-Laure Gelot
"Director of Marketing, Communication, and CSR at LBP AM"
Guillaume Lasserre
"Director of Marketing, Communication, and CSR at LBP AM"
Delphine Rouget
"Assistant to the Director of Communication, Marketing & CSR at LBP AM"

Group publications

15 November 2024

“The savings represent a significant resource to finance environmentally positive projects and accelerate the transition”

In the fall of 2024, the media outlets L’Agefi and ID, l’Info Durable launched the Think Tank “2030, Investing for Tomorrow” with the aim of fostering debate and uniting financial actors around the key issues of sustainable finance. This initiative brings together six thematic working groups that will meet every two months to exchange ideas, formulate proposals, and offer concrete solutions. Today, we focus on the first workshop of the group “Ma trajectoire Climat boostée par mon épargne,” co-founded by LBP AM, with an interview featuring Maxine Sabater, Head of Impact CO2 Deployment at ADEME.